
Point and click secure remote access


How do I load the default services/clients configuration?

Linux (*nix): When no existing configuration is present, launch the JAR program file in the same directory as the default.xml configuration file bundled in the release .tar.gz package.

Windows: The installer automatically places the default.xml in the same directory as the .exe program. When no existing configuration is present, the bundled configuration is automatically loaded.

Otherwise, under either OS you may import the default configuration using File -> Import Preferences.

How do I delete existing configuration?

*nix: Run: rm -rf ~/.java/.userPrefs/opengear/sdtconnector/

Windows: Start -> Run -> regedt32, then locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\opengear\sdtconnector and delete it.

How do I launch the JAR file?

If you are having trouble running sdtcon, firstly ensure that you have installed the Java Runtime Environment.

Windows: Don't use the .jar file to run SDTConnector, download the SDTConnector-x.y.z.exe.

Other: In most desktop environments, simply double click the .jar file, or right click the .jar file and select "Open with JRE". Otherwise from the command line, type: java -jar sdtcon-x.y.z.jar

If you downloaded the .jar or .exe file independently of the release package or installer, be sure to also download the default clients/services configuration (defaults.xml).

sdtcon runs, but the user interface behaves strangely

Run sdtcon using Sun JRE 5.x, a JRE from another vendor or different versions may work but have not been comprehensively tested. Other JREs are currently being tested and will have better support in next release.